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Playlist Builder

Hey where is it?


There isn't one!


Many other DJ websites allow you the facility to spend time building your playlist from a set database.


We believe that you and your guests deserve much more freedom during your Wedding Reception, the freedom to ask for requests on the night, the freedom to change your mind, the freedom to change the style of music, if for whatever reason it is not working on the night.


Your time is valuable and you do not want to be logging on to databases sifting through a set number of songs only to not find the ones YOU want.


We are different.....


We allow you to do things the more traditional way, you may call, text, email, facebook, carrier pigeon or get in contact with us via whatever means suits you best, letting us know your musical preferences including songs or artistes you would like to be played and equally as important anything that you wish to be not played.


We also confirm with you that you are happy for your guests to request songs during your reception, often playing one song will remind people of another favourite dancefloor filler which could be missed if playing from a fully predetermined list.


We allow your guests to make their requests on the night by writing the title and artist on a personalised request slip, by texting or by simply coming up and asking for their choices.


This helps us to interact with your guests on a level that they are comfortable with.

Hopefully you will agree that our method of allowing you and your guests to inform us of your musical choices will not only save you your valuable time, but will also ensure that your Wedding Reception is a lively, interactive success.


After all you're booking and paying for expert Professionals not a lifeless non interactive jukebox. Not only that you are able make song choices that are bang up to date rather than struggle with a potentially outdated database.


You deserve the best, you deserve what you want and in our vast experience we know that you want your guests to be on the dancefloor enjoying the biggest party of your lives.


It is our aim that we deliver your vision for your Wedding Reception from the first dance to the very last dance.



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